WA provides unmatched portfolio and deal-level risk management through its proprietary Deal Risk Indicators (DRI) model and its transaction-based focus. Other risk management services include recapitalization of broken funds, front-end due diligence reviews for structuring issues, owner representation, and third-party asset management services. Key accomplishments and risk management services include:
WA has assisted multiple national syndicators to devise recapitalization strategies for LP Funds that have some or all of the following issues: depleted or insufficient fund reserves, working capital needs, and operating partnership support needs.
After a large investment bank acquired interests in a distressed, 180-property LIHTC portfolio, WA successfully indentified, quantified, and managed risk to the investment bank, the LP Funds, and investors. WA used its DRI to identify and monitor risk in this and other LIHTC syndicator portfolios.
On behalf of two national syndicators, WA regularly reviews Fund acquisitions for tax, deal structuring, and modeling issues to ensure investor yield projections are valid and tax benefit allocations will be respected.
WA has helped multiple syndicators manage operating-level GP risk (in partnerships where the syndicator has stepped into the GP position) through operational turnarounds and selective exits (GP transfers, foreclosures, deed in lieu).
WA provided all facets of third-party asset management for lease up and stabilization on a 56-property portfolio of LIHTC investments for a national syndicator.